Let Barleylife green juice make the difference.

By Jann Abrams R.N. and Janet Pauly R.N.

If you're ever on a sinking ship, grab your life jacket first and then your Barley Juice !
If you are washed up on a deserted island, barley juice is the only food that can supply all your nutritional needs until you are rescued. You may lose a little weight but for as long as your Barley juice lasts all of your cells will be well-fed and happy.
If you grab your multi-vitamins instead of your Barley juice, you'd better pray for a quick rescue because synthetic nutrients can never take the place of a whole food.Barleylife green juice

"Grasses are a complete life sustaining food ... if you had to choose one food for survival, it ought to be grass.
After all, grass is the primary food for domestic and wild grazing animals, and pretty large ones at that --- cows, horses, goats, sheep, buffalo, deer, giraffes.
Guinea pigs, chickens, rats and other laboratory animals were loosing weight on our finest vegetables but quickly reversed their downward trends when switched to grass.
These animals have long known the truth about grass." Sportsman Steve Meyerowitz Nature's Finest Medicine, p. 46

Barley juice is a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals and also provides all the essential (not made by the body) amino acids which constitute protein.
"Barley Juice
has the widest spectrum of all the necessary vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins (amino acids) and chlorophyll of ANY source on earth" - Yoshihide Hagiwara.
"The variety of vitamins and minerals found in barley juice is unmatched by any other single fruit or vegetable" - James Balch, M.D. Urologist and author of best selling book Prescription for Nutritional Healing.
In raw, leafy vegetables, the nutrients are enclosed inside the fibrous cell walls and cannot be directly absorbed .... Juicing extracts the nutrients which are taken directly into the cells, and promptly revive cells which have become distressed." Yoshihide Hagiwara.

"Regardless of the extent or length of time you have had sick cells, they will make a Herculean effort to improve when given the right nutrients"
Mary Ruth Swope, Ph.D., Nutrition educator.

Maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate derived from a fermentation process-using cornstarch, serves a vital purpose to stabilize the nutrients and prevent oxidation in barley juice powder. Barley juice powder processed with low heat and using other precautions to keep enzymes intact, has a shelf life with live enzymes that exceeds 3 years!
Maltodextrin is not a sugar therefore it is safe for diabetics and cancer patients to use.

Barley juice is a powerful immune booster and contains potent antioxidants. One of these antioxidants is called alpha-tocopherol succinate which may be responsible for much of the barley plant's anti-tumor action. "...though its mechanism is unknown, laboratory tests show that alpha tocopherol succinate seems to inhibit several types of cancer including leukemia, brain tumors and prostate cancer. Leukemic cancer cells were exposed to dehydrated barley grass extract which killed virtually all of them. Encouraged, the researchers then subjected brain cancer cells to the extract. It eradicated 30-50% of these cells. In the third trial, the extract inhibited the growth of three types of prostate cancer cells by up to 100%" Alan L. Goldstein, Ph.D., chairman of the Biochemistry Dept at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C.(our note: now a barley juice user)

Barley juice is one of the highest natural sources of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), a super scavenger enzyme, that destroys damaging free radicals and contributes to longevity. (Most SOD on the market is extracted from the liver of cattle.)
Barley juice also contains DIGI and P4D1 which make SOD even more effective. Discovered by Dr. K. Kabota, Chairman Dept. of Pharmacology Science University of Tokyo. (Note: Not all barley juice products contain SOD as it takes special processing to preserve enzymes.)

Glycosylisovitexin, 2’-0-GIV, is a powerful antioxidant in barley juice, recently discovered by Takayuki Shibamoto, Ph.D., professor and former chair of the department of Environmental Toxicology at the University of California-Davis, who has published over 200 scientific papers. 2'-O-GIV is an isoflavonoid that is both water and fat soluble and is capable of preventing atherosclerosis. Studies show it may also play a preventive role in aging, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and radiation damage (this should interest pilots, and others whose jobs expose them to radiation) Tests showed that 2'-O-GIV was NOT present in a sampling of green powders tested so it is quite important that the barley powder you use be the highest possible quality. Inhibition of Malonaidehyde formation by antioxidants Ogata, Hagiwara, H. Hagiwara, Shibota JAOCS, Vol. 73, No 5, 1996

Barley juice is a great aid in bringing the body back into a proper acid-alkaline balance. Spinach has an alkalinity of about 39.6 and Barley juice is as high as 66.4.

Barley juice is a rich source of chlorophyll.
. Chlorophyll " increases the functions of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus and the lungs. It raises the basic nitrogen exchange and is therefore a tonic which, considering its stimulating properties, cannot be compared with any other." Food Science for All, New Sunlight theory for Nutrition, E. Bircher, Health Research Press. Chlorophyll may provide us with protection from low level X-ray radiation. Experiments in the 1950's demonstrated that radiation - poisoned guinea pigs recovered when chlorophyll rich vegetables were added to their diet. The Influence of Diet on the Biological Effects of whole Body Radiation M. Larbque, Experimental, 6:25, 1950 and Further Studies on Reduction of x-irradiation of Guinea Pigs by Plant Materials, Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces Report. N.R. 12-61 by D.H. Calloway, W.K. Calhoun & A.H. Munson, 1961

Barley juice is anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, it lowers blood sugar levels and increases endurance according to Dr. Kazuhiko Kuboto, Ph.D. He has performed extensive research on barley leaf extract and discovered many pharmacological functions including those mentioned above.

Into which of these categories do you fall?

1) Those in excellent health: Barley juice is the perfect supplement for multi-vitamin/minerals. It will give you the competitive edge in endurance, and general vitality.

2) Those with marginal deficiencies of micro-nutrients produce no real symptoms. however they do affect your mental acuity, your ability to cope with stress, and your body's ability to resist disease and recover from surgery.

3) Those who have major deficiencies: skin inflammation, diarrhea, convulsions in infants (vitamin B, deficiency), loss of feeling in arms and legs, extreme fatigue, night blindness, frequent illnesses, severe allergies.

Many drugs, both over- the - counter and prescription, interfere with vitamin and mineral absorption, and increase micro nutrient requirements. For example, laxatives and mineral oil deplete your body of fat soluble vitamins. Aspirin impairs the utilization of vitamin C and folic acid. Oral contraceptives deplete folic acid, vitamins B6, B12, C and beta carotene. Deficiency of folic acid and beta carotene contribute to cervical cancer.


"Many studies have been conducted on the effects of nutrients on intelligence. When children's diets were supplemented with vitamins and minerals, their I.Q's were raised. The implication is obvious: the marginal deficiencies seen in some young children are enough to hamper neural function in these children. Other studies have shown that marginal vitamin and mineral deficiencies are associated with poor motivation, abnormalities in attention and perception and personality changes." Charles B. Simone, M.D.

Barley juice powder can be put in children's juice or milk. Some children enjoy spooning it dry into their mouths. Barley juice can be mixed with water and put in a dropper and fed to Infants. It can also be put into baby bottles. Many older children enjoy mixing their barley juice themselves using the hand blender. Some enjoy mixing barley juice with beet and carrot juice. Using a straw is fun and helps bypass the taste buds! Janet's grandson has been eating tablespoonfuls of dry Barley juice at a time since age 2 with no adverse affects.


Studies show that there is a prevalence of nutrient deficiencies in teenagers secondary to dieting for weight control, increased physical activities with P.E. and sports activities, greater stress levels, rapid growth, heavier scholastic requirements etc.
Many teens skip meals, snack, and often eat meals away from home. About 50% of all teens report that they are not concerned about nutrition and only 33% say that they try to eat correctly. A tablespoonful of Barley juice every day could help meet teens nutritional requirements, improve their stamina and coping abilities and even improve their grades.


There are well over 30 million senior citizens in the U.S. alone and this segment of the population is growing. Those who have adopted a healthy lifestyle can remain active and productive. (About 50,000 seniors in the U.S. are still drawing a paycheck at age 90) Those who do not choose a healthy lifestyle will probably live the last few years of their life being cared for by others. Factors that affect seniors nutritional health are decreased caloric intake, impaired absorption, poor dentition, drug/slash nutrient interactions, limited activities or handicaps, low income, altered taste perception, loneliness, lack of transportation or any combination of these.

The National Cancer Institute has presented studies which show that with every 5-year increase of age, there is a doubling of the incidence of cancer. The elderly often suffer from nutritional deficiencies which are manifested by a weakened immune system which leaves them prey to respiratory infections, pneumonia, which are manifested by a weakened

immune system which leaves them prey to respiratory infections, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, Shingles and other serious health problems. Because the gastrointestinal tract absorbs nutrients less efficiently with age, the elderly need more nutrients in their diet. One or two of AIM's PrepZymes with each meal will assure good digestions and absorption.
Barley juice is particularly well suited for this age group because it requires little preparation (as quick as a cup of instant tea), is assimilated very quickly and efficiently if taken on an empty stomach, no chewing is required, is easy to store, and, most of all, provides the complete spectrum of nutrients.


Pregnant and nursing mothers require nutrients in greater amounts than the R.D.A. Unfortunately many of these women do not have a sufficient intake. Healthy cells with healthy DNA result in healthier sperm and ovum, which in turn produces a healthy baby.
Janet's daughter, Michelle, took only Barley juice as a prenatal supplement and delivered a healthy 8- lb. 4 oz. baby boy.
Her midwife looked at the ingredients in Barley juice and assured her that this was all she would need. When Michelle pumped her breasts her milk looked like Half - and - Half with a quarter inch of cream on top that would have to be shaken and mixed before giving to the baby. Michelle quit taking Barley juice for one week and the appearance of the milk changed drastically. It looked like skim milk with fat globules suspended in it and it had no cream on top. When she resumed the Barley juice, her milk returned to cream. Mom's who graze on Barley juice have contented babies!


The 11 million diabetics in the U.S. have an increased need for vitamin/mineral supplementation.
Diabetes is the #1 cause of blindness, the #1 cause of kidney failure and the #1 cause of amputations. When glucose rises to levels above 160 to 170, as it does frequently in even well controlled diabetics, it acts as an osmotic diuretic, overwhelming the system, causing substantial, even massive, losses of water-soluble nutrients that pass out in the urine. Consequently, diabetes and its complications are as much a result of nutritional wasting as of elevated blood sugar.
Taking Barley juice will go a long way towards protecting from the ravages of diabetes. Alpine garlic offers special protection to a diabetic's kidney. Many Type II diabetics report healthful drops in blood sugar levels when they take Barley juice faithfully. Some Type I diabetics have reported being able to cut down on their insulin.


Countless millions of people have an increased nutrient need because of stress.
You should increase your nutrient intake when you are under stress. If you normally take small servings of Barley juice (2-4 teaspoonfuls daily) go up to 2-4 Tablespoonfuls daily if you are under unusual stress. If you are under constant stress in your life, take this larger serving daily.


Whenever the dieters total caloric intake drops below 1400 calories per day, it is almost impossible to obtain most vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts. Your nutrient requirements remain the same despite your caloric intake, even during total fasting. Dieters not taking supplemental vitamins and minerals are at risk for nutrient deficiencies. Dieting in the form of skipped meals or fad diets is common and almost guarantees inadequate intakes of necessary nutrients.
Because Barley juice contains all the nutrients necessary to support life and is low in calories, it is the ideal choice for those trying to lose weight. It is also the perfect liquid supplement for fasting. When nutrient needs are completely met on a daily basis, cravings diminish.


There are an estimated 31 million people in this country with serious chronic illnesses. This group is at risk for inadequate nutrient intake because of interactions of medications with micro nutrients or because of the effects of various diseases themselves. About 36 million people are hospitalized yearly and the nutritional status of seriously ill hospitalized patients is very poor. Their disease or injury increases their nutritional needs, which can precipitate malnutrition and impair the immune system. If you or anyone you know has a chronic illness and you haven't shared Barley juice with them, shame on you.

If the person is hospitalized they should talk to their physician and explain that Barley juice is a whole food concentrate and they would like to be able to take it during their hospital stay. If the doctor refuses for no medical reason, it would be out of ignorance.
Remember that the more serious your health problem, the more Barley juice you need to take. 2 tablespoons of Barley juice powder four times a day is a prudent amount for a very ill person. You could also put 1/8 th to 1/4th tsp under the tongue as often as you like.


Barley juice can be mixed with water, poured into a large syringe and pushed into the feeding tube. Every time the patient is given water, 2 teaspoons of Barley juice can be added. Barley juice can also be added to any liquid nutritional supplement. Be sure to flush the tube with water after giving Barley juice.


Approximately 5 million people are in the hospital yearly with infections. The majority of these people have little or no appetite. Infections, even mild ones, increase metabolic losses of a number of vitamins and minerals and at the same time, increased immune response requires increased nutrients.
To make matters worse, acute or chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract impair the absorption of nutrients. Most of these people are an high dose antibiotics which leave them with no friendly bacteria in the colon just at the time when they need them the most to aid the immune system in it's fight against infection. Barley juice will be essential to provide nutritional support so the body can heal itself.


There are 23.5 million people who undergo surgery every year and their nutritional status is compromised by the trauma of surgery. Some operations interfere with ingestion, digestion and absorption of food as well. Trauma and wound healing require an increased amount of nutrients. Barley juice should be taken in large amounts for several weeks prior to surgery and during the recovery phase. Pre-menopausal women preparing for breast surgery should only have the surgery during the last two weeks of her menstrual cycle, when progesterone levels are highest (as studies have shown substantially better long term success when progesterone levels are higher).


0steoporosis is the disease that American women are most likely to develop as they age. Every year more than 1.5 million Americans sustain an osteoporosis-related fracture of the hip, spine or wrist. Fractures of the hip, which affect 1/3 of ALL women and 1/6 of ALL men, are the most devastating. Two-thirds of these patents never regain their former level of activity, half lose their ability to walk independently, and one-fourth die within a year of the hip fracture.

The three major myths about osteoporosis:
1. It is a calcium deficiency disease (most are getting plenty of calcium in their diet)
2. It is an estrogen deficiency disease (this is a fabrication of the pharmaceutical industry with no scientific evidence to support it.
3. It is a disease of menopause (osteoporosis begins anywhere from five to twenty years prior to menopause, when estrogen levels are still high.)

To prevent or reverse osteoporosis, eat a health promoting diet:
fresh & simply prepared foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. Foods we eat today contain far less vitamins and minerals than in the past due to changes in farming practices/food processing resulting in chronic, low-level deficiencies of a wide range of micro nutrients
.For those with osteoporosis a minimum of 2 Tablespoonfuls of Barley juice every day will help ensure adequate nutrients and good bone mineralization.
Eating too much concentrated protein such as meat and dairy, will accelerate bone calcium loss to the extent that no amount of calcium supplementation can compensate. (Carbonated beverages are also an issue.) There is no substitute for the use of natural progesterone cream, which will allow new healthy bone to be created. This is vitally important.
Still have periods: 1/8th tsp days 12-28 apply to thin skin and rotate sites.
No more periods ( menopause ): 1/8th tsp all month except for a 3-5 day hormone holiday each month.
John Lee, M.D., a foremost hormone researcher, says that he uses 1/16th tsp (10 mg) progesterone cream every day to protect himself against prostate cancer.
Men whose treatment for prostate cancer includes castration or chemical castration are at high risk for osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercise, such as walking, is essential for both men and women.


"All studies using vitamins and minerals .... . (along) with chemotherapy and radiation show the same effect: increased tumor killing and increased Protection of normal tissue." Charles. Simone M.D. Breast Health, Avery Pub 1995, p. 83

We know that 40% or more of cancer patients die of malnutrition and that chemotherapy and radiation can exacerbate (hasten) this condition. Barley juice can be given dry under the tongue 1/4 tsp every few minutes or reconstituted into a raw juice drink every hour. This is HIGH-OCTANE NUTRITION, easy to assimilate and will not tax a weakened digestive system.

We know someone who because of metastatic cancer had became so weak that she was bedfast and needed assistance with personal care. She had been so nauseated for fourteen weeks that she could not even swallow water without vomiting. . She had a feeding tube directly into her stomach, through which liquid supplement with synthetic vitamins were given several times a day for nourishment, yet her condition was worsening rapidly. We suggested dry barley powder 1/4th tsp every 15 minutes under the tongue (while awake), which she began immediately. The most amazing part was that she experienced NO NAUSEA with the Barley juice and within a couple of days could drink water and eat solid food, again. Within the week she was able to resume a moderate activity level .... unassisted! isn't it amazing what the body can do with real nutrients and live enzymes! Another victory for Barley juice

There is good evidence that antioxidant supplements can prevent or ameliorate many of the side effects associated with chemotherapy. Tumor cells do not absorb antioxidants as well as normal cells, therefore therapeutic levels of these substances make chemotherapy more selective in targeting cancer cells. Whether or not you choose to undergo chemotherapy and/or radiation, it is ESSENTIAL that you protect yourself.

The program outlined below will provide a generous amount of protective nutrients, including antioxidants that will help cost your immune system and should give you a more favorable outcome. This program would apply to any serious health problem.

  1. You must do everything possible to nourish the body, thereby enhancing the immune function. (Barley juice 2 Tbs. 4 times a day.)
  2. Your detoxification system also needs to be functioning optimally so the body can excrete pharmaceutical chemicals and metabolic debris from tumor breakdown
  3. Fresh whole food diet with as much raw as possible, primarily vegetarian without additives. Include a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds.
  4. Balance your hormones with natural progesterone (both men and women) Men: 1/16' tsp. every day, apply to thin skin and. rotate sites. Women: see directions on further in document.
  5. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of Prill water every day (best early morning and between meals)
  6. Soak in the bathtub at least 3 times a week with 1/4th cup of Cell Wellness Restorer added or use a foot tub, add 1/8th cup Cell Wellness Restorer and soak your feet for 20 minutes to help your body handle damaging stress and to promote rest.
  7. Exercise so that the nutrients will circulate to the cells. If your condition will permit: exercise on a re - bounder 5 minutes 5 times a day to aid the lymphatic system. Walking is also good, even just through the house several times a day would help. Do some form of exercise, no matter how little at first.
  8. Other Important things: sunshine; fresh air; rest; peace of mind and trust in God. (Meditate on the Word of God, read scriptures concerning healing throughout each day. Find people who will share the Word of Faith with and pray for you.)

We know a 67 year old lady who chose chemotherapy but faithfully followed the program above. She did not become anemic; have sores in her mouth, loose her hair or become extremely weak. She maintained a normal, active life throughout her chemotherapy. She did, however, rest more and did simplify her life during this time. It has been two years and she continues to enjoy a very active life. She is thankful for the products that helped support her through her therapy.

Breast Cancer - The good news is that we know breast cancer is related to ovarian/hormonal activity. The bad news is that we have known this since 1896 just over one hundred years. R. Hoover, National Cancer Institute.

What we know:
The message of estrogen (either our own or supplemental) to the cells of the uterus, ovary; and breasts is to grow and proliferate. Then, in the normal monthly cycle, progesterone comes on the scene and sends the message to the cells to stop their rapid dividing, slow down, and mature.
Every month that there is no progesterone in the body, estrogen's message becomes deadly because there is nothing to stop the rapid cell proliferation.
Every month of estrogen is an opportunity for cancer to start.
We believe that if every woman would start using the natural progesterone cream at age 30, so that she would never have a month of estrogen dominance, the breast cancer rate would drop. Natural progesterone is exactly like the progesterone your body makes, and has no adverse side effects.

Peri and Post -menopausal women, whose breast cancer rates are skyrocketing, certainly need natural progesterone not only to help prevent breast cancer but to ameliorate hot flashes and sleep disturbances if they are present. Vaginal dryness can be helped instantly by applying natural progesterone into the vagina.

Still having periods: Natural progesterone 1/8th tsp, days 12-28 (apply to thin skin and rotate the sites.)

No more periods: Natural progesterone 1/8th tsp. all month except for any 3-5 day hormone holiday each month.

Note: Synthetic progesterone is called "progestin", an example is Provera. BEWARE! The deadly combination of synthetic estrogen and progestin like Prempro etc , have a long list of dangerous side effects.

Birth Control Pills... in the US most brands have synthetic estrogen (ethinyl estradiol or mestranol) combined with progestin. The risk of breast cancer is up 30% with one year on oral contraceptives (even the lower estrogen pill) and quadruples after 8-10 years, well documented in many studies. Also there is even more risk if the pill is started before age 18. Dr. Pike, researcher and professor at UCLA; British Med. J; J National Cancer Inst. 87 (11):827-835 )1995

"All hormonal components of oral contraceptives have been found to be carcinogenic in animal models" Acta Oncologica 28: 857

Estrogen ...studies have shown that most women have plenty of estrogen throughout their life. Fat cells churn out estrogen. This is why obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer. The more fat cells the more estrogen! There is a 72% greater risk of fatal ovarian cancer in women using unopposed replacement estrogen therapy for six years or more. This supports the theory that estrogen dominance significantly increased the risk of fatal ovarian cancer. Am J. Epidemiology 1995; 141:828-835.

Please note that estrogen dominance is not limited to those receiving estrogen replacement therapy, but can occur also when women are progesterone deficient and their natural estrogen is unopposed. Osteoporosis and Heart disease: don't buy into the myth that estrogen helps either of these. Natural progesterone does, estrogen does NOT.

Progestins (synthetic progesterone): It is a well known fact that pre menopausal women rarely get heart attacks, but after menopause they quickly catch up with the rate common to men. HOWEVER, they have more cardiac spasms of the heart muscles and men have more heart attacks caused by clogged arteries.

* In a landmark study done by K. Miyagawa at Oregon Regional Research Center set out to study the effect of hormones on coronary spasms. The monkeys on the progestin and estrogen suffered unrelenting spasm that would have caused death had they not been injected within minutes with a drug to reverse the spasm. Researchers were unable to induce cardiac spasm in the monkeys that had been treated with natural progesterone. Natural progesterone obviously protects against cardiac spasm (the biggest killer of women) and estrogen and progestin promotes spasm. (Use natural progesterone and protect yourself against cardiac spasm)

* Women with a progesterone deficiency also have 5.4 times the risk of developing pre menopausal breast cancer and a tenfold increase in death from all malignant cancers. (Use natural progesterone.)

Understand the role of genetics. Genetic endowment (what you inherit) and genetic expression (what disease you actually get ). Genetics are affected by a host of variables including diet and environmental carcinogens. The fact is: 80% of breast cancer patients have a negative family history. Many women live in fear of breast cancer because it runs in their family and they feel they are doomed by genetics. Keep in mind that gene expression is nutrient dependent and toxin sensitive.

Genetics loads the gun and lifestyle pulls the trigger!

For example: Janet Pauly's father died of lymphoma, the same kind of cancer she has had since 1980. He died after several years of treatment BUT she is alive today, 20 years later, due to God's grace and His leading her to Barley juice and other lifestyle changes .

For those who need additional help, the only cancer doctor we can recommend is Salvadore Vargas, M.D. of Tijuana, Mexico who has been treating cancer for 25 years. To contact Dr. Vargas, call his clinic manager Diana Boatman at 1-888-396-3130.


Barleylife green juice is more that multivitamins.

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- Nutritional value
- Barleylife v Multivitamins.
- Breastfeeding
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- Nutritional benefits of Barleylife
- Barleylife and Pancreatic Cancer
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- Good reports on Barleylife.
What is Barleylife.


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Barleylife - the Ultimate Food Supplement.
One of the very few products anywhere, that can detoxify and build at the same time!
Your Body Is Hungry For REAL FOOD!!! You want real food as in Barleylife !
Throw out your Multi-Vitamins!
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Multi-Vitamins are NOT food.
There is Energy and Health in Barleylife!

BarleyLife Xtra

Barleylife Xtra Wholesale

Who said, “If it’s good for you, it has to taste bad”? AIM Barleylife ® Xtra is a delightful, cherry-apple flavored green barley juice powder.

Naturally sweetened with fruit and vegetable powders and Lo Han (a fruit specifically chosen for its sweetening ability), AIM Barleylife®Xtra provides a healthy, nourishing alternative to the plethora of sugar-filled drinks available today. Children and adults alike enjoy this smooth, pleasant drink. When taste makes all the difference, reach for AIM Barleylife® Xtra.

Barleylife Capsules

Barleylife capsules wholesale price

Are BarleyLife capsules completely vegan?

Yes, AIM BarleyLife® capsules are completely vegetarian and acceptable in a vegan diet. How quickly do the capsules dissolve?
AIM’s vegetarian capsules have been shown to dissolve within 5 to 10 minutes in water. Dissolution will be quicker in the stomach’s acids.

  • Take 6 capsules 2 to 3 times per day. Many people start with 3 and gradually increase to 5 or 6 per day.
  • Young children begin with 1 capsule per day and gradually increase to 2 capsules per day.
  • Athletes and others under stress often take larger amounts, sometimes as many as 18-26 capsules per day.
  • AIM BarleyLife are best taken on an empty stomach, between 30 minutes and 2 hours after a meal.